The original temporary exhibition is dedicated to Greek mythology and, more specifically, to selected Greek myths, which are interpreted, through an interdisciplinary approach, in relation to geological, paleontological and climatological phenomena, data and changes of antiquity.
The originality of the exhibition lies also in the fact that digital interactive applications play a major part in it, incorporating state-of-the-art technologies, as well as rich multimedia content, aiming to present particular topics in an attractive, understandable, educational and entertaining way The exhibition is the final outcome of the research project “INNOVEXPO – developing innovative applications for the enhanced and interactive presentation of exhibitions”, which was implemented during the 2018-2022 period, under the national scope call “Research – Create – Innovate”. The exhibition is organised by TETRAGON S.A. and the Department of Historical Geology- Palaeontology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
museology, museography, storytelling, audiovisual productions, visual identity, graphic design, traveling & temporary exhibitions, multiple realities VR | AR | MR, digital & interactive applications, digitization, concept design, exhibition structures, experience design, after sales service, edutainment
Operational Program “Research-Create-Innovate”
Palaeontology and Geology Museum of UoA, University Campus- Zografou, Athens
Department of Historical Geology- Palaeontology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Karaiskaki 2B str.
54641, Thessaloniki, Greece
t. +30 2310 861460
Kifisias Avenue 27
11523, Athens, Greece
t. +30 6973 550323
Thessaloniki Industrial Area
57400, Sindos, Greece
t. +30 2310 796675