One of the most impressive metro stations in Attica is the one at the Piraeus Municipal Theatre. The history of water, an element entwined with Piraeus, is its central concept. Tetragon also designed and implemented the exhibition “Unearthed” that showcases the excavation work being done at Piraeus during the works for the Metro expansion stations.
The Municipal Theatre of Piraeus metro station is the terminal station of Line 1 of Attica's metro network. From the blue colour that dominates the station, to the huge H2O and the narration of the importance of water in ancient Greece, even the impressive map placed strategically at the station's ceiling, the water element dominates visually and conceptually.
The exhibition "Unearthed" was installed at the building of Ksylapothiki in Piraeus. It will play a continuous informational and museopedagogical role for schools and adults, as it coexists with the storage and preservation areas of the finds and is connected with an open archaeological space that includes part of the city’s ancient water supply system.
traveling & temporary exhibitions, exhibition structures, museography, lighting, signage
Exhibition | Unearthed
Exhibition | Stories About Invisible Water
Karaiskaki 2B str.
54641, Thessaloniki, Greece
t. +30 2310 861460
Kifisias Avenue 27
11523, Athens, Greece
t. +30 6973 550323
Thessaloniki Industrial Area
57400, Sindos, Greece
t. +30 2310 796675