TETRAGON collaborated with the Educational Institute of the Journalists’ Union Of Macedonia And Thrace Daily Newspapers for the implementation of many temporary exhibitions.
The exhibition “Markides Pouliou, Pioneering Greek Journalists, Publishers of the first Greek Newspaper” presented the work of the two patriots and associates of Rigas Feraios, in Vienna during the end of the 18th century.
Through simple exhibition means and respect for this relatively unknown part of greek history, the exhibition presented the first greek newspaper, published in the printing press of the Poulios brothers in Vienna in 1790, the Charta of Rigas as well as many unique editions that contributed to the flourishing of the Modern Greek Enlightenment.
TETRAGON realised the museological and museographic designs and undertook the construction of the Exhibition. The graphic design is by Th. Georgiou and the photos of the exhibition by D. Michail.
In the exhibition"1941-1944 National Resistance - Illegal Press in Northern Greece", an effort was made to spotlight the unknown chapters of the Greek Press history, published in conditions of total unlawfulness during the German occupation. The fighting spirit, original issues, proclamation leaflets, printing and distribution methods, personalities and enormous adversities are "illuminated" through evocative scenography and visual gestures.
TETRAGON realised the museological and museographic study and undertook the construction of the Exhibition. The graphic design is by T. Georgiou and the photographs of the space by D. Michael.
The exhibition “Dictatorship 1967-1974 – The printed resistance” presented reversal printed material, published in Greece or abroad, which strongly depicted the junta’s chronicle through bulletins, manuscripts, posters and notices.
With intense scenic gestures and dramatic dialogue between visuals and testimonials, the exhibition means take a stand in this dark period of the Greek history, in order to unequivocally highlight and justify those parts of journalism that resisted in every way possible during those days.
TETRAGON did the museological and museographic design and undertook the construction of the Exhibition. The graphic design is by Th. Georgiou and the photos of the exhibition by D. Michail.
museography, museology, concept design, graphic design, exhibition structures
Educational Institute of the Journalists’ Union Of Macedonia And Thrace Daily Newspapers
Christos Zafiris
Thanassis Georgiou
Karaiskaki 2B str.
54641, Thessaloniki, Greece
t. +30 2310 861460
Kifisias Avenue 27
11523, Athens, Greece
t. +30 6973 550323
Thessaloniki Industrial Area
57400, Sindos, Greece
t. +30 2310 796675